Thank you for sharing this incredibly empowering article. Marianne is able to articulate and stand for a series of values we all feel in our heart and reflected in today's society when we listen in closely. The call for responsibility in our society to me is the action of integrated high spiritual truths. Let's keep asking each other "what great amazing thing are you doing to save the world and how can I help?"

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What an amazing article. So much so, that I’ve just signed up for a yearly subscription to Marianne and I’m not even American (ie can’t vote there!!)... but if I were, she would get my vote for sure.

I love the premise of a world where “everyone is invited to thrive”.. So many powerful insights and take aways in this article. It gives me so much hope for future generations, as the shift is proving to be a slow one but as humanity evolves it’s definitely starting to take shape 😃❤️

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Interesting piece. I appreciate your wisdom here.

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what I love about this - is that just this morning prior to getting to my substack reads - in conversation with Dr Meg Roekle, we had this exact conversation. Which means we are here - we are all here and capable of this great change - for so many of us recognise not only its need - but more powerfully its possibilty.

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